Open source projects

Opinionated toolkit for 3D-based applications and games (Vulkan based).
c++ vulkan rendering
Old rendering backend for my DIYE project (OpenGL based).
c++ opengl rendering
WebAssembly 2D map renderer.
go webassembly rendering webgl
Setup secure AWS infrastructure with Terraform.
terraform aws
Go library that favors defaults over errors when parsing input.
go parsing input
Go web template for rendering HTML on the server.
go web template html server ui http
Database tool.
go database postgresql
Time logging in CLI
go cli time logging
Ser is a small monitoring tool for your AWS instances, targets groups, load balancers, ECS.
go aws monitoring ecs loadbalancer
Wrapper around radix (Redis) library.
go database redis
App designed for Raspberry PI for measuring turns when playing board games.
elixir boardgame rpi
IoT home for controlling Yeelight
go iot yeelight rpi
Miscellaneous utilities for PostgreSQL.
postgresql database utility misc
Workshop for Rails/PostgreSQL with the focus on Active Relations.
postgresql database workshop
Workshop with inner, left, right, full and cross join.
postgresql database workshop
Workshop with CTEs and window functions.
postgresql database workshop
Workshop with database views.
postgresql database workshop
Small workshop with Elixir basics.
elixir workshop
Regular expression tester inspired by Rubular.
crystal regex tester rubular
Crystal shard for Kemal that exposes healthcheck endpoint for AWS load balancer.
crystal kemal healthcheck aws
Crystal shard that loads dotenv files.
crystal dotenv
Workshop about creating utility to unfurl links from webpages with the ability to extend it with custom logic.
crystal workshop links webpages
Simple Rack middleware that returns sync time (time when request started) in HTTP headers.
ruby rack middleware sync time http
Gem that formats seconds to readable time format i.e. 8h05m and vice versa.
ruby time
HandyToolbox gem is a text based user interface that will help you with every day tasks.
ruby toolbox cli
Scans your server using (ClamAV).
ruby clamav antivirus
Extensions for OrmLite library and GSON.
java android orm json
Ruby on Rails like I18n for iOS and relative time span formatting.
objc ios i18n